


如果你不熟悉快速-廉价-优质的项目三角关系,你应该了解一下. That’s because it’s a great tool—applicable to virtually any line of business—for recognizing and dealing with unrealistic clients. You know who I’m talking about: the ones who seemingly demand museum-quality work on a tight schedule, 都是打折的. While they might not understand when you tell them it will cost more to build a high-quality deck in time for their daughter’s wedding or the big company picnic later that summer, they probably will understand when you patiently break it down for them and explain that they have to pick two out of three.

这就是高效建筑的用武之地. 通过找出在不影响质量的情况下减少材料和人工成本的方法, 你可以保持竞争力. 对于一些建筑商来说, 这意味着精简框架流程, 也许通过标准化甲板尺寸,甚至预制甲板包在现场. 对于其他建筑商来说,这可能意味着密切跟踪劳动力成本以优化结果.

去年秋天, PDB reached out to a number of deck builders to find out their various methods for working more efficiently. 这是他们告诉我们的.


佛罗里达州东格林威治(East Greenwich)的装修商和建筑商迈克·格廷(Mike Guertin)说.I.在美国,高效工作意味着在开始每一项工作时都要有计划地投放木材. He says he coordinates with his lumberyard to ensure that his materials aren’t randomly loaded and delivered—so that he has easy access to the lumber he needs in the sequence he needs it.

如果甲板小,所有的材料一次交付, 他从桩基底部的托梁桩开始, 然后是分类存货, 然后把柱子和横梁堆在上面. 格廷说,甲板是单独堆放的.

Guertin给出的另一个规划jdb电子试玩2000网站是与检查员建立良好的工作关系. 一旦你获得了他们的信任, 许多检查员会允许你跳过一些现场检查,比如脚洞, 横向负载连接器, 还有装帧细节——如果你给他们发了一些好的照片,证明工作已经完成. Guertin notes that he can usually get approval in a couple of hours with a set of emailed photos instead of waiting a day or several days for an inspector to come out to the jobsite.


Guertin believes that having the right tools for the job is one of the keys to working efficiently. 一种标准的锯子, 压缩机, 空气的工具, 手工工具, 多年来,他增加了一系列专业工具. 例如, he points out that a metal-connector nailer significantly speeds up the framing process over nailing joist hangers by hand. 对于紧绷的部位,他jdb电子试玩2000网站在你的工具箱里添加一个简单的指甲钳.

如果涉及甲板拆除, it makes sense to supplement your pry bars and digging irons with one (or more) of the various decking removal tools that are on the market. 宾夕法尼亚州的建筑商马特·布雷耶说,他的公司手头有几种不同的类型, 包括Demo-Dek (greentektools.com)和一艘鸭嘴船(duckbilldeckwrecker.com),因为每种工具的工作方式略有不同,更适合不同的现场条件. 如果你的公司安装了很多PT或热带硬木地板, 你至少需要一种不同类型的甲板弯曲机和矫直机.

Specialty jigs made on site with leftover material can also be used to increase speed and accuracy. 格廷最常用的夹具之一是他的托梁吊架安装工具, which enables him to quickly nail hangers onto a ledger and beam (using a metal-connector nailer) and then drop the joists in place.

另一个有用的辅助工具是一个简单的支架夹具, which is basically a hollow box made with scrap plywood or 1-by material that fits around a 4x4 post. 安装轨柱前, Guertin slides the jig over the post and clamps it in place so that it acts as a stop when he’s positioning the post. 这使得Guertin能够在甲板框架上快速注册正确高度的帖子, 而不是试图把它固定在一条线上. Guertin uses a second clamp to hold the post tight to the framing while he’s bolting it into place.

像许多甲板建造者一样, 格廷在安装4x4护栏柱的时候把它们弄得有点高, 然后再把它们切到高度, 用激光建立水准线. But a regular circular saw doesn’t have quite enough capacity to cut through a 4x4 post in one pass. 这样才能剪成方形, Guertin has a jig that is similar to his post-holding jig and can be clamped to the post to guide the cut. The cutting jig takes the place of drawing a cut line around all four sides of the post while ensuring a perfect square cut.


甲板高出地面几英尺以上, 格廷不会马上倒底座. 首先,他挖洞,插入表格. 然后他搭建了甲板, propping the beam up with temporary supports and suspending the finish support posts above the footing holes.

这种方法允许Guertin同时安排框架和基础检查, 而不是等待一两天检查员出来检查基础孔. 检查完成后, the concrete can be placed and the crew can go ahead and start the decking installation on top of the frame.

格雷格·迪贝尔纳多,桃树甲板的老板 & 亚特兰大的Porches是另一家甲板制造商,他jdb电子试玩2000网站从上到下构建框架. DiBernardo说,这样更容易准确地定位基座, 特别是在不规则的地形上, 框架就位后. It also allows his crew to dig the footings when the timing is most efficient for their schedule. 例如,如果两个工人正在铺设甲板,第三个工人可以开始挖洞.

自上而下框架的另一个优点是它允许摄制组绕过天气进行拍摄. And DiBernardo agrees with Guertin that it’s sometimes possible to get footing and framing inspections at the same time (which the inspectors like too, 因为这为他们省了一趟路). 偶尔, 说DiBernardo, projects receive the final inspection along with the footing inspection if there is a good relationship with the inspector.


在与腰和眼睛齐平的复合甲板上, it is really easy to see dips and waves in the deck boards caused by crowns or thickness variations in the framing. 而不是试图纠正问题后,托梁已经安装, DiBernardo’s crews first rip all of the joists to make sure they are uniformly sized with perfectly straight top edges before beginning the framing.

DiBernardo says that it takes only 10 minutes or so to snap chalk lines along the lengths of the joists and rip them to size. 强度的降低是最小的, 因为只有3⁄16英寸或更少被从每个托梁的宽度移除, 其结果是一个非常平坦的表面作为甲板. 在较高或较低的甲板上,这一步是不必要的,因为变化是不可见的.

Michigan builder Bayn Wood considers the rim joist and joist blocking to be key components to a strong, 长效甲板框架. 在构架过程中花时间加强这些方面可以避免以后的回调.

例如, 伍德解释说,边缘托梁通常承受所有栏杆的负荷, 筋膜, and borders (if used) but is often fastened to the main deck joists only with screws or nails driven into the end grain of the joists. 为了加强这种jdb电子手机注册app, Wood installs one or two Simpson Strong-Tie DTT2Z lateral load brackets every 6 to 8 feet along the rim joist (a measure that Wood says is required by most municipalities in his area for proper rail-post attachment.)

Seam boards—where a deck board (or boards) is installed that runs at a right angle to the main field decking, usually to avoid butt joints and to get the best usage of decking lengths—typically require additional blocking for support. 大多数甲板建造者只是在两个主甲板托梁之间钉(或螺钉)托梁, 没有其他连接来保持梯子般的组装在一起. 但伍德发现,随着时间的推移,甲板会膨胀和收缩, the blocking gets pulled away from the joists because of the weak connection into the blocking end grain. So Wood reinforces the blocking with DTT2Z brackets or 1⁄2-inch-diameter threaded rod (or both) installed every 6 feet to hold the assembly together.

当你安装阻塞时, 伍德警告说,它应该始终垂直安装, 而不是在公寓里. 而平块提供更多的表面积钉,垂直块更强. 甚至当扁平的阻塞物被一层撕粘膜保护时, Wood has found that water still manages to penetrate the assembly and work its way into the attachment points. 没过多久, 连接松动, 让水和碎片堆积, 最终导致腐烂.


如果甲板平面图包括一个浇筑的混凝土楼梯平台, 格廷试图在落地的同时落地. 这就意味着少送一批货, 或者,如果混凝土是在现场混合,则无需花时间设置和清理搅拌机.

当你安装楼梯线的时候, Matt Breyer points out that it can be tough to keep the bottom of the framing from twisting with all the abuse the lower rail posts get. 帮助加强这个大会, 布雷耶安装了垂直和水平阻挡, 它不仅能把柱子固定好,还能把绳子绑在一起, 同时也为甲板提供了坚实的支撑.

最后, 当你安装岗哨的时候, Guertin recommends optimizing guard-post spacing to match the lengths of the rail system being used. 通过精确地定位柱子,使轨道精确地安装在柱子之间, 这样可以节省切割时间, 最后一个栏杆和柱子之间的间距将与栏杆之间的间距相匹配.

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